Event 0 Madison Coordinator Full-Time vent Coondnar will be reposible for the event planning and tacita on practces of Visit Madson, Inc. The Event Coondlinator wil be subject o the evert intalives of events uch a Rive Roots. Chatau of the Arts, Ribberest and Candeight Tor of Homes under the droction of the t Madison Executive Director and Board of Directors. This will inlude eng exceentcustomer service, as wd as impornt commu cation and coordnation actvides This ole will be responsble for idenity ng and adopting intemal and extemal best practces for event planning ciittion The Event Coordin wiworkollaborate and report to the sit Madson, Inc. ExeoutiveDinector Responsibilities include but not limited to Selecting vendon,eviewing contr cts and creating unique experienc Communicate regulary with Devellopment leams to ensure sponsor hp srauges are intted for all evers Responsible for produoing al ypes of comespondence for events such as kters, forms, packets, emails et Developing and maintaining event vendor and sponborthp lats Managing invitation mal ieswith warious anteri Amanging delivery of materials to event shes eeponible for onsite event management including faciites and beverage, signage, dsplays, audo-visual equipment printing event mlenals security, and upervision voluteert, e Resolvingisues with vendors with nunderstading etygests saslaction, and insurance and homeland seounty labildes Set-up travel and accommodations for particpans, guets and Create andprovide event outines andlor event timeline to isit Mad son oo-workers, boad nent groups or indvidalis in advance to assst them in their prepan Additional Responsibiies a from event registraion trough onse onsite problemalesues with input throm vendors wh an u derstanding of saety beourity itoues, guettslaction, and labees Ensureal ADA requests are handed in an apprprithanner Organize and maintain oftice storage systems containing contidentia Colborae with Viait Madson Office ManageBookeeper to process billings and invoices in tmely lashion Commplete eports in a time Knowledge, is andAbises Excellen verbal and writen communication s project management oustomer relations, and aitical thinking skils bilty lonfuince ndbuild work elatorships among a dvte work Must be able to represent Viot Madison, Inc. wih bact and dplomacy Mutt be able to work under pressuro and with troqent intemptions t have computerlls including Micrsot Word Excel and inter to hande confidential infomation Mat be able to occstionaly ift up to 40 pounds Roguar and ellable ndance ane requiremnts of i p Maintain apleasant thiendy abitude that contbutes to a positive wonk ng environment Strive for enhanced commurication, eectiveness and contruty Establish and maintain selationships with industy inuencers and iy strategic partners Vsit Madison, Inc. goals Acively participatle on crots-lunctional seams and meetings to pro mote the condinus mprovement of ceraing sas, customer oyalty andinancial resus Function well in a ea office environment performing one's own ad Perform other tasks and projects as requested ie front desk oover Excellent interperponat verbal and wen communicaion ski Acilny to ive wihn a team-based enviroment Song plaing organizational and Seme management sk Personal computing proficlency in common applicatons including M roo Word, Ecel PowerPoint, Outoock Previous Event planning Salary range $30K-$40K depending on experience Please forward cover letter and resume immediately to isit Madison, Inc. Executive Director, Tawana Thomas tawanavisitmadison.org or 601 W. First Street, Madison, Indiana 47250, no later than Feb 8, 2019.