National Blueberry Month! DDattilo's Only 4 FOR $5 SPECIAL 1 Lb. Brussel |Sprouts 1 (One) |Avacado 10 Lb. Bag Idaho IDAHO 1 Pint Blueberries Potatoes We will substitute a maximum of 2 items of equal or lesser value in the 4 for $5 offer. Call ahead for CURBSIDE SERVICE Tuesday- Saturday in front of store or parking lot across the street. Prices Good JULY 16TH RETAIL CLOSED MONDAY to JULY 27TH 1-877-328-8456 812-265-5431 HOURS: Tues.-Fri. 6 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sat. 6 a.m. - Noon 211-213 W. Main Street Downtown Madison National Blueberry Month! DDattilo's Only 4 FOR $5 SPECIAL 1 Lb. Brussel |Sprouts 1 (One) |Avacado 10 Lb. Bag Idaho IDAHO 1 Pint Blueberries Potatoes We will substitute a maximum of 2 items of equal or lesser value in the 4 for $5 offer. Call ahead for CURBSIDE SERVICE Tuesday- Saturday in front of store or parking lot across the street. Prices Good JULY 16TH RETAIL CLOSED MONDAY to JULY 27TH 1-877-328-8456 812-265-5431 HOURS: Tues.-Fri. 6 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sat. 6 a.m. - Noon 211-213 W. Main Street Downtown Madison